January 25, 2008

Film Fest Friday - Disorder in the Court

Bah. I have jury duty today. And on the day I was hoping to move back into my dorm, too. Well, that doesn't mean we still can't have Film Fest Friday. Today's feature is an old Three Stooges short film titled "Disorder in the Court", something I thought fitting considering my required service. In this film, Larry, Moe, and Curly are brought in as witnesses to a murder case, but can't help but cause the usual mayhem.

This film is raged G by ME. No explanation necessary.

Part 1

Part 2

Okay, off I go to jury duty.

That's all folks!
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...

Haha! Excellent choice!! Especially for the day's activity! My dad actually has this and other episodes on VHS that my sis and I would watch...the classics! They're great! Thanks for a fun film! Glad to hear that you're back safe at the dorms.

Tim Higley said...

Indeed. I used to watch Three Stooges on TV all the time when I was younger, but my mom made me stopped. I kept emulating them.
T.H. Excellence