January 17, 2008

Fun-Sized Candy Bars: Not Fun!

I'm just gonna flat-out say it: what is so fun about fun-sized candy bars?! I don't know about you, but when my candy bar is a quarter-of-an-inch long, I'm not having a good time. One bite, and BAM! The candy is gone. One taste is all you get.

Not that I think fun-sized candy bras themselves are bad. Since they're very small, you can have quite a few. Even weight-conscious people will think nothing of having two or three. And you can easily buy them in bulk for Halloween. There is a time and a place for fun-sized candy bars in this world. I just think we need to rename them.

How 'bout "bite-sized"? Or "mini"? Or better yet, "micro-scopic"? Yeah, I like that one.

So next time you need candy in bulk, head to your local warehouse store and pick up a bag of handy dandy micro-scopic candy. Because little candy bars aren't fun.

T.H. Excellence


Muldin said...

that was inspired....brilliant...well done

Anonymous said...

The candy companies (and any other product manufacturer) are always looking for ways to repackage their product to appeal to the consumer. There is really only so much you can do with candy (hey it's chocolate and sugar basically), so coming up with new marketing angles is what really works to increase sales

Tim Higley said...

It works, although I think people only buy those for Halloween or things like that, basically some venue in which they are giving away massive amounts of candy to kids who don't care what size it comes in. I doubt anyone seriously finds fun-size appealing.

I'm not the only way who feels like this either. Google "fun-size candy bars" and the first page of results will yield a half-dozen blog entries similar to this one.

T.H. Excellence