January 08, 2008

PhotoBlog - Snowy Edition

I'm back! Actually, I've been back for several days, but I had some things to do after returning from vacation, so I'm writing just now. Anyway, the day after I went snowshoeing, I left the lodge and went to visit some friends nearby, but not before a quick excursion to see the magnificent General Grant tree. Along the way, I captured more dazzling shots of the snow-covered forest, as well as shots of the tree itself. Come along!

Another peek outside my window. A bit overcast today.

I love how great winter shots look after you crank up the contrast a little.

This is like a rock slide waiting to happen. No, not really. It's just a photographic trick.

Fun angle.

I thought this would make a good shot, but unfortunately I had to take it really quickly and didn't get the desired coloring and exposure. Drat!

I gotta give my dad a little credit for this shot - he's the one who pointed it out to me.

And there she is - the General Grant tree.

She's a beaut, ain't she!

And one more shot will close this post.

Ah, it's good to be back home. Hope you enjoyed these two sets of winter pics I've posted. It's been fun experimenting with shooting in the snow.

I also must apologize for the recent disappearance of Film Fest Friday. The Friday after Christmas I chose to refrain from posting a film, feeling that everyone would be too busy to log on and watch it. As for last Friday, I simply wasn't home and had no Internet access. But fear not! The Fest will resume again this Friday!

That's all - 'bye now!
T.H. Excellence


Karyn said...

Oh my gosh the Tree Stump picture is INCREDIBLE!!! yeah...def a fun angle.

Tim Higley said...

That's no tree stump - that's the bottom end of an uprooted sequoia. I shot that just outside the "doorway" of the hollowed-out fallen tree.

Either way, it's still a "fun angle".
T.H. Excellence