October 26, 2007

Film Fest Friday! - Cleanup on Aisle Five

Breaking from the Star Wars trend is this week's feature titled "Cleanup on Aisle Five". This short film is a romantic comedy (or maybe it's just a comedy) about two rival shoppers in the pursuit of one woman.
This film is rated G by ME 'cause it's pretty kid friendly.

And that wraps up another Film Fest Friday! Keep checking back for those Wild Animal Park pictures. They're taking much longer than I expected due to tech difficulties and such, but they will be up as soon as possible.

Take care now
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...

Hey TH, This film short was ok but not quite as good as the Light Saber short.

Enjoyed your photos of the wild animal park, hopefully you'll get those back up soon!

Tim Higley said...

Yeah, it wasn't as good, but I enjoyed it for what it was.

T.H. Excellence