October 02, 2007

WALL-E Trailer

Late last night I was surfing the web and happened across, well, this. Yes, folks, it's the brand spankin' new WALL-E trailer for all you Pixar junkies (like myself).

Okay, so it's more like an update on the original trailer, but there's still some new footage in there and a clever take on Pixar's traditional opening. That actually leads me to this thought. Disney, a long-time, well-grounded film institution has gone through about three or four different opening titles in the last decade, whereas Pixar, a relatively newer group subject to all kinds of change, has retained the same title sequence for it's entire film career. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I love Pixar's hopping lamp and hope it doesn't disappear. Still, it does make me wonder...

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the trailer. Be sure to drop a comment by - I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on this movie.

Tra la la
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...

Hey TH, thanks for the trailer. I enjoyed it and I didn't even know Pixar was coming out with a new movie.

Have you seen any new trailers for National Treasure 2?

Tim Higley said...

Glad you enjoyed it. Pixar typically releases a new film every year and has traditionally released a trailer for their upcoming film with their newest release. For example, the Ratatouille trailer was released with Cars back in 2006.

And no, I haven't found any new trailers for the second National Treasure film. I'll let you know when/if a new one is released.
T.H. Excellence