Yes, I know the title "The Night Before Christmas" could refer to any number of short films. In this particular instance, it happens to refer to a heart-warming holiday cartoon featuring Tom and Jerry. Enjoy the flick!
This film is rated G by ME... do I even need to explain why?
Did you enjoy that? I hope so. I certainly did. Gosh, they don't make cartoons like they used to.
Okay, on to the PhotoBlog!
So these are all pics I've had on backlog since late October. I've been waiting to upload them until I finished my series of Wild Animal Park entries, which took longer than planned. Either way, here's the pics.
Now for some night shots.
And now to close with a few Christmas pics I took recently.
Speaking of sunsets...
Okay, that'll do it for today's hodgepodge post of pics. It feels good to get those posted. Keep an eye out for my Downtown Disney entry, which should be posted within a few days. Also be watching for a Disneyland update. I'll be visiting the park this upcoming Thursday and plan to get many shots of the holiday splendor.
In my last post, I signed off with "Happy holidays, everyone!" Then I got accused of trying to be politically correct. I'm gonna try to remedy that with this post.
"Merry Christmas!"
There. Politically incorrect. And proud of it. Never mind the fact that it's not even December yet.
'Bye folks
T.H. Excellence
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