November 25, 2007

New Camera! New Camera!

Saturday, November 24th, 2007, was epic.

Really epic.

History-in-the-making epic.

Okay, maybe not that epic, but pretty close.

However epic it really was, here's what happened: I got a brand new SLR camera! A Canon Rebel XT, to be exact. It's a slightly older model, but it's still satisfactory for a beginning photographer like me. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited. I finally have a camera that's on a somewhat-professional level. No longer do I have to fool around with that smaller model that kept freezing up on me. Now I can take quality pictures! Yes! Disneyland here I come!

That's my newsflash for the night. Good night, folks.
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...

Hey TH

I'm glad you are enjoying the camera, it was a great deal, to good to pass up (God must have been keeping my eyes open that day. Looking forward to seeing some nice shots.

Tim Higley said...

Incredibly great deal.