November 14, 2007

Spirit and Sound Mini-PhotoBlog!

Normally I don't get up earlier than I need to get to class, and Wednesday's class was cancelled due to some sort of faculty conference. Even so, I found myself waking up at 9:00 A.M. (that's early for college) to go to chapel. I wasn't fond of the idea of waking up this early, but I still had six chapels to attend before the end of the semester and I didn't want to procrastinate. So I got up, got in the shower, and headed out.
Upon reaching my destination, I was incredibly surprised. Chapel was not being carried out in the orthodox manner, but rather an event called "Spirit and Sound" was taking place, and chapel credit was being given. I found a seat and for the next hour was enthralled by a variety of orchestral pieces. I was also awake enough to take pictures.

Here's a shot of the opening orchestral piece.

At this point, everyone in the first picture moved over to be part of this larger orchestra. That was the funny thing about the show. Everyone kept moving around.

Thought I'd try a tilted shot.

Percussion is fun.

This lively quartet came out and played a delightful piece.

Piano solo!

I thought these musical items might make for a nice shot.

Xylophones: obscure intrusments, but really awesome!

This piece was really good!

Another quartet, this one strings.

And to conclude, here's the final orchestral piece, which we're pretty sure is John Williams.

Anyway, that was my Wednesday morning chapel experiece. After this I watched "The Prince of Egypt" with about fifteen friends or so, which was fun. The rest of the day was devoted to researching my superhero paper, which I worked on (literally) all night, then dozed for about forty minutes before class. But the paper got done so that's all that matters.

The works of some people take their blood and toil, sweat and tears. Mine just take my sleep.

Okay, I'm done.
Bye folks
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you got you paper done. 40 minutes of sleep is not much, hope you didn't fall asleep in class!

Tim Higley said...

Came close to falling asleep, but didn't. Fortunately we just watched a sitcom, so there wasn't anything too vital that I had to pay attention to. Even better, the class after that was cancelled.
T.H. Excellence