November 19, 2007

Wild Animal Park PhotoBlog! - Part III

This is it - the long-awaited thrill-packed epic conclusion to the Wild Animal Park PhotoBlog! Fasten your seatbelts!

It seems that there was another show happening shortly after the bird show, so me and dad went off to explore some of the local stuff. One of the things we checked out was this aviary. As always, I had to photograph these ducks.

This bird would NOT hold still!


Okay, back to real pictures.

So after the aviary, we headed back to the ampitheater to wait for the next show. This presentation was done game show style. Two contestants competed to guess what animal was being described, then the animal was brought out and presented to the audience. Pretty simple, but there was a good variety of animals, so it was a fun time.

The first critter on the list was this fennec fox from the Sahara Desert. The host explained that "fennec" actually means "fox" and "Sahara" actually means "desert", so this little guy was the "fox fox" from the "desert desert". Sounds redundant redundant.

What's in the box?

"Snakes. Why does it have to be snakes?"

This little kitty is a serval.

Skittish, eh?

Watch and learn, kids. This cat can jump!

I don't think I need to tell you that this is a zebra...

...or that this is a camel.

When the show was over, we decided to head out, seeing as the park was closing in 20 minutes. Of course, a little thing like that couldn't stop me from taking more pictures.

On our way out, we saw this guy monkeying around. What a show-off. Everyone was taking pictures of him.

Y'know, I relax like that all the time and no one ever takes pictures of me. Hmm...

More pelicans...

...and ducks.

My mom asked me to shoot this vertically, so I did, even though it's not cinematic. Picture still turned out nicely, though.

As we were heading for the exit gate, I got this one last shot that I really liked.

Here's those banners I tried to shoot in Part I.

And there's the entrance pavilion, or by now, the exit pavilion.

So that finally wraps up this PhotoBlog! After this last picture was taken, we hopped in the car, lost a hubcap, retrieved said hubcap, then went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner, which was wonderful. Thus, our day came to a close. All-in-all, I must say it was a good day, and I am glad to finally have this wrapped up.

Stay tuned: I've got a bajillion PhotoBlog pictures from around campus as well as a few Downtown Disney photos that I've been dying to post...

T.H. Excellence

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