November 10, 2007

New Iron Man Trailer

Quick update: I just discovered this new international Iron Man trailer.

Looks like a great movie in my opinion. Probably won't be as great as Batman Begins or Spider-Man 2, but I'm still willing to bet it will be a fun summer flick.

Don't forget to check out Part II of the Wild Animal Park PhotoBlog! directly below this post.

'Bye now
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the trailer but I still couldn't see the scenes that I saw being shot out at the California Steel plant.

Tim Higley said...

You may not see those until the movie, or at least the next big trailer (this was just a smaller international ad). I'm guessing a newer trailer will release around January.
Anyway, glad you enjoyed it.
T.H. Excellence

Anonymous said...

Did your dad actually see parts of the movie being shot? That is so cool. How did he get in? The movie looks really good. I hope my mom will let me see it.
Anonymous in California

Tim Higley said...

My dad got on the movie set as part of work. Part of his job entails going to various places to ensure that they are upkeeping safety standards, and one place he had to look at was the Iron Man set.
I don't think he got to see any parts of the movie being filmed, though. He certainly didn't see any of the actors.
Still, it's pretty cool. I wanted to go to, big Marvel fan that I am, but he wouldn't take me.
T.H. Excellence

Anonymous said...

This movie looks pretty interesting. If there is a midnight showing, we should go together.
-Monsieur Chauvelin

Anonymous said...

Hey TH, they did do some filming when I was there, very brief shots perhaps lasting 20 seconds or so. It was amazing the amount of prep time involved in order to shoot just a few moments of film. The shots involved the shooting of a 50 caliber machine gun and simulated explosions in this primitve village. I am not sure why they shot it in a steel plant because the village didn't seem to fit but maybe when we see the movie it will make sense. (no midnight showings for me though!)

Tim Higley said...

Midnight showings are amazing! I'm hoping to go to the midnight show for Iron Man, Prince Caspian, and probably The Dark Knight and Indy IV.

And to dad: sounds like the scenes you saw are from the Afghanistan part of the movie where Tony Stark is kidnapped and forced to build a missile. Sounds awesome.