November 06, 2007

Class Project PhotoBlog!

Today marked the due date of my final photo project of the semester. This project was hailed by my professor as being my best work, and being the most cinematic, which makes me pretty happy.
Anyway, enough about my class. Here's my project:

So there you have it - my final photo project. My next project is a video project that I'm working on with three other guys. Hopefully it will be wrapped up within a couple of weeks for posting.

That's all, folks
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...

Hey TH,

Great job, I would agree, one of your best photoblogs, tells a nice story and the photos are nicely framed. I don't understand the last photo of the tire tracks, did the young couple get run over?

Anonymous said...

I love it! Nice shots and nice story! Great job!

TH Excellence's Mom

Tim Higley said...

Thanks to you both. This was a fun project to shoot. And yes, I know the last photo is a little confusing. I needed to get a shot that used the concept of distance by crowding. This concept is basically the idea that if there is a group of something that travels into the distance, the closer the objects in the group are to each other, the farther away they are. This was incredibly hard to do on the beach because there wasn't anything concrete enough. After finishing some of the ocean shots, I noticed the tread marks and decided that they were the closest I was going to get to displaying the concept. The shot actually turned out well; it just made things confusing.

T.H. Excellence

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Isn't it kind of cold to be at the beach though? I really like the shirt the guy was wearing.
Baronnes Orczy

Tim Higley said...

The beach trip was actually a bike trip with the beach as a destination. We didn't actually go in the water, but we did have lunch and played a bit of volleyball. And I did my photo project, of course.

Glad you liked the shirt. That's actually mine that I lent to the actor, since everyone was wearing group shirts and I didn't want both subjects to have the same thing on.

T.H. Excellence

Anonymous said...

Who is Baroness Orczy?
The pictures turned out really well.
Excellent sister