So what is a Euro Futon? Yeah, I don't know either, but it's in my dorm right now and it's really nice. Here's a pic:
Wow. Isn't that something? And it's comfortable too! Now we can stage ancient Greek plays!
Of course, having a new piece of furniture in the room means my quirky roommate must reconfigure the entire room layout.
I think rearranging the furniture could be fun, especially with what he has in mind, but my other roomie doesn't agree. We'll see what happens.
Okay, I'm done. Good night, all. I'm gonna go sleep on my new Euro Futon.
T.H. Excellence
I love your futon. You should eat crutons on your futon!
Nice...futon. Enjoy your furniture re-organization. By the way, I linked your blog from my site:
To Anonymous:
I love my futon too. Not sure if I wanna eat crutons on it (that could get messy), but it's definitely great for eating on and playing Xbox and stuff.
Oh, and you misspelled "crouton".
To Jonathan:
Hey, thanks for doing that. I really appreciate that. I'm really trying to get the word out about this so I can gather a large readership.
By the way, I like your website. The statement of faith was really interesting. I liked how you defended your beliefs.
One question: when do you expect to have stuff up under the "Projects" tab?
Not sure yet what the ETA for the projects section is right now. I still need to make sure that none of my instructors would have a problem with me posting my code (in case they plan to give out the same assignment in another quarter). It'll take some time to set it up anyhow, and I've got a few other things going on too. Probably by the end of the year though. :)
That's a great looking futon. The best part about those too, is that if they wear out, you can just swap out the cushion with something new like a foam pad. Good luck doing that with a couch!
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