September 30, 2007

Voting Results

The votes are in! The polls are closed! It's time to reveal the winner of this week's poll! Huzzah!

Okay, enough hoopla. The winner is... everyone.

Everyone, that is, except Captain America and Wolverine. Apparently nobody likes them because they didn't get any votes.
But other than those two, every option received exactly two votes. What a democracy.

All I can say is I hope that next year's presidential election goes better than this. Imagine if the same thing happened. Each of the candidates would get elected and inaugurated into presidency. That would be crazy! Nothing would get done for the next four years. The only thing happening in the Oval Office would be cat fights between the individual political parties.

Gosh, what a great video that would make.

If you're looking for me, I'll be with my camera in DC. Don't wait up.

Okay, that was kinda dumb. But it was fun - you can't deny that.
Anyway, there's a new poll up regarding this summer's hit blockbusters, so be sure to vote for your favorite flick of the season. Also, if you haven't done so already, go take a look at my Mt. Baden-Powell trip report, featuring lotsa great outdoor pics for all you nature luvas.

All right, I'm done.
Take care, ya'll
T.H. Excellence


Anonymous said...

You should put Bourne Ultimatum on the list. That was the best movie of the summer hands down!!!!

Tim Higley said...

Dang. My bad. I should've remembered that one. I was focusing on the big blockbusters everyone was talking about earlier in the season. I can't add it either - once somebody's voted the poll can't be edited. Sorry 'bout that.
Anyway, have any good ideas for the next poll?
T.H. Excellence